Com-fusion raffle update
We’ve been chugging along with our plans to move to Portugal, and a big part of that plan is the Ceramics Community Center I’m building with my friend Mariana Sampaio. We’ve been selling raffle tickets to help fund her four week artist residency here with me in Portland. During that time we’ll create a new collaborative body of work (we call these collabs “Com Fusion” —- Com means “With” in Portuguese). If you’re new here, you can learn all about this collaboration here and how Mariana and I met, here.
In the spirit of transparency, I’m sharing an update on the raffle and expenses thus far:
Raffle fundraising goal: $2500 (covers airfare, transportation, ceramics materials fees, food and a small stipend to help cover Mariana’s bills while she’s here working)
Funds raised as of June 13: $1157.52 (this is the total of $1,218, less credit card and service processing fees).
Airfare from Lisbon to Portland: $1,081.80 (British Airlines)
So far you’ve helped us raise just enough money for Mariana’s airfare, and we got her tickets to come collaborate August 16-September 18! You are AMAZING! Thank you so much. But we’re hoping that by the end of the raffle (just 9 more days) we’ll hit our fundraising goal of $2500. So if you haven’t gotten a ticket to win the Peony Plant Shelfie Bookends, Adansonii Oval Tray, or Monstera Deliciosa Mug, please consider getting a ticket and/or telling a friend about the raffle. You can find all three items here, and each item will have a separate drawing on June 24th. Winners announced June 25th. Wondering what your chances are? Here’s the break down of how many tickets have sold for each item:
Peony Plant Shelfie Bookends: 297 tickets
Adansonii Oval Tray: 17 tickets
No matter how you slice it, your chances are pretty good and you’re helping us build something that will not only help Mariana and I continue to support ourselves as artists, but also to help us connect, teach, learn from and foster a larger community of artists from all over the world. THANK YOU!